Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Language, Politics, and purpose

Make it Matter: language, politics, and purpose

                The claim that hip hop has an effect on society cannot be denied. There are three major places that its effects can be seen: Language, Politics, and Purpose. In the ever changing universe that is hip hop, there are constantly new revolutions that bring their own message and lingo.
                The language of hip hop has changed, so too has English. When rap first hit the mainstream, it was filled with good time lyrics that were meant to get people in a good mood. For example in Rappers Delight
 “I said a hip hop, hippie to the hippie, the hip ,hip a hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it to the bang bang boogie, say, up jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie the beat"
Rhymes from this time period didn't necessarily need to be extremely lyrical, they just needed to put the crowd in a good mood and get the people dancing. As time has progressed though, certain words have taken on new meaning as a result of hip hop. Words such as bad, shorty, and cheese now have alternative definitions as a direct result of hip hop.

                Politics and government has also been influenced by both hip hop music and hip hop artists and produces. With blatantly anti-police tracks like “F*** Tha Police” by NWA and smartly written equality anthems like “Fight the Power” by public enemy, it is easy to get behind a cause. Tracks such as these addressed the discrimination and sometimes brutality shown against black Americans by the police force. They also attracted attention to issues and caused change. Icons such as Russell Simmons used their high influence to get directly involved in politics. Simmons, for example, attended a meeting with three prominent politicians to discuss the repeal certain drug laws that punished petty offenders too harshly. He even started The Hip Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN), an organization dedicated to “helping provide a voice for those who did not have a voice”

                The most interesting question, in my opinion, regarding hip hop is what is the purpose of hip hop? Is it meant to be used as a political tool to spark change? Is it meant to simply allow the artist to vent out his or her feelings onto a track? Is it meant to get people on their feet dancing and in a good mood? I know it may seem like the easy answer but I feel that it is meant to be all of these things. Hip Hop is like a ship, where it goes is up to whoever happens to be its captain that day. It can go to wherever it is needed. If there needs to be a spark for change, hip hop can be that spark. If there needs to be a time for thought and reflection, hip hop can be that journal. If there needs to be some sunshine on a cloudy day, hip hop can be that ray. No matter how you feel about hip hop, you can’t deny that it has power.


  1. I liked this blog a lot because it helped me while I was working on my personal essay. Hip hop can influence individuals on a personal level as well as help to shape an entire society. I completely agree that hip hop is created for several different purposes. Each artist seems to have a different motive for creating their music and sharing it with their audience. I think that my favorite type of hip hop is the kinds that are made simply to make people have fun and enjoy themselves while listening to the music.

  2. Hip-hop does have significant power on people. There is a clear wake that the hip hop industry leaves in society.

  3. I really like your blog. It is true that Hip Hop does matter, and it shows in our everyday life such as, politics and language. It has so many things to offer, and it is easy to relate to. I also love the examples you have chosen.

  4. This blog perfectly described the undeniable power that hip hop has to affect every person in any kind of mood that they might be in. Hip hip is so versatile and has a song for every possible mood or topic, which makes it so unique.

  5. I like this blog. I am extremely fond of that closing sentence in particular. Hip-Hop is a culture, lifestyle, etc. You definitely cannot deny the fact that it has power. It changes lives, causes controversy, and raises awareness of issues and hardships. These are all things that kinda justify hip-hop's power. Cool Blog!

  6. This was a very enjoyable read. I like how you mentioned that hip-hop used to be about putting people in a good mood, and making people want to dance. I feel like hip hop has a changed a lot since then and i honestly kind of wish hip hop was more similar to what it used to be. Some rappers today, like Chief Keef, do not really put me in a good mood.

  7. I agree with the statements made in this blog. Hip Hop is very influential to anyone that listens to it. In the language aspect, Hip Hop has made words like "swag" that were not really used popular.

  8. This is so true. Hip hop, along with another music genres, has a very powerful influence on people. Whether it has influence on language, politics, purpose, or behavior, the music that people listen to affects them in some way. This blog post was very interesting to read because in some way it relates to everyone who listens to music.

  9. Really like the way you structured this into the different sections of what hip hop effects. The political one especially is very true in my opinion and you backed in up well by examples from NWA but more in particular the Russell Simmons example. I totally believe in this influence hip hop has had and this post has just given me more things to back it up with

  10. This idea is very accurate. In addition, many rappers do not shy away from the opportunity to use their music as a medium to express their political views. Much of the language is now a part of todays culture amongst hip hop listeners in their everyday life. Great Blog.

  11. Loved the way you organized your information in this blog. You divided it into different sections of how hip hop has affected certain aspects of society. It’s interesting to see how big of an impact hip hop has on society. I never really thought of it’s impact until this class.

  12. I really enjoyed ready your essay. Your links provided visual insight on top of what you said to aid your point. I like the organization of your essay and how you used the Russel Simmons example. You show that there is more to rap than just Bling Bling in a respectable way and express how music in hip hop can create a movement.

  13. great structure and presentation, i could not agree more. hip hop appeals to an audience that can bring change. hip hop can be a serious platform for change because its primary audience is young adults.

  14. I really enjoy this blog. Hip-Hop is every influential and speaks to many in different ways. Also the links you provided more insight about your topic. Great blog

  15. astonishing the connect between hip hop music and what it impacts is amazing. I definitely learn a new insight about hip hop in this blog.
